Monday, September 15, 2008

What is this man thinking?

Each day I go to work in downtown Minneapolis, I walk through the skyway system. It's an interesting stroll. You see young 'uns hustling to work, tying their tie and walking briskly at the same time. (Try that. It isn't easy.)

There are the folks busy chatting on their cell phones, also moving at a quick pace.

There are the business types who have already been in for an hour or so, in line at Starbucks or Caribou Coffee, looking very much like they need a stiff jolt of something.

Then there is The Tall Man.

If you didn't know better, you would think he is Kevin Garnett's older brother. He is about 6-8 or 6-9, bald, and has the same lanky build. On the few occasions I have seen him move, he appears to have an athlete's gait. My guess is he is about 40 years old.

Most of the time, however, I see him just staring out at the street, watching the world go by. He wears shabby (but not torn) clothes and is the unhappiest person I have ever seen.

Two or three times a week, I pass him by in the morning. Occasionally, he lounges in a chair in the Government Center. Most of the time, though, he is just leaning on a railing, starting intently at Third and Sixth Avenues.

I wonder what his story is. What kind of childhood did he have? Did he go to college? Did he ever has any ambition to be a basketball player, a fireman, a doctor, or even a repairman? Why does he always look so sad? What is he thinking about as he watches the world go by?

The other day, I heard him talking to himself. I wanted to get closer to hear what he was saying but backed off. After all, it was a private conversation and it struck me that talking to himself was about the only thing left he had. Whatever else may have happened to the guy - he deserves this last shred of dignity.

I also wonder this: how many more guys like this fellow are really out there? These are the invisible members of society - many of them don't vote and, if they do work, it usually isn't fulltime. They just exist. Until we find a way to help more of those people, we will have failed as a society.

And that's a disturbing thought.

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