Friday, May 1, 2009

Remaining puzzled about puzzles

There are two puzzles every day in the St. Paul paper. My mother-in-law, the Scrabble Queen, takes on the NY Times version on a daily basis. More often than not, she kicks the Times' tail.

The second puzzle is of lesser quality and is usually buried in the classifieds. It is the one that I usually try ... with generally pathetic results.

Today, for example, there are clues like this:
Unable to decide (Four letter word has to begin with T)
Citation (Five letters, second and third are ED)
Put down (Eight letters, second is E)

You get the idea. I like to think I'm a reasonably intelligent guy. I read books. I am familiar dictionaries. But I'm damned if I know was is a five-letter word for "Radio Tube Gas."

Puzzles are a lot of fun. But I have decided they can also give you a serious inferiority complex

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