Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Now comes the really hard part

My book is officially out in bookstores and is available online. Just checked with Barnes and Noble. It is ranked No. 526,894 in sales. Bet you didn't know there were 526,894 books out there, did you?

We had our first book signing 10 days ago at a small neighborhood saloon. It went very well. Sold damn near 100 books. Had a great party. The owner made a lot more than he usually would on a Sunday and we made some money. I think all who came had a blast. Terrific day all in all.

But the book business is a lot like the politics or the major league baseball business - what have your done for us lately? We are just starting to hit the hustings - I am doing a pair of radio interviews this week and have a book signing set for April 10. To truly make the book a success for Triumph (the company that printed it.), we need to sell at least 3,000 books. To my knowledge, we have sold roughly 125.

Got a little work to do, don't we?

Friends of mine who are authors tell me this is the way it is in the book business. You need to hustle the product all the time. It's kind of job hunting - it's a fulltime job in addition to your duties.

I'm not griping - I signed up for this duty and am embracing it fully. And there are some things that should help sales coming up - the MLB season opens up next week. Mother's Day and Father's Day is around the corner. Now that local lad Joe Mauer has been signed and the team's new home, Target Field, is open for business, there is a lot of enthusiasm for the Twins around these parts.

So I have high hopes of advancing past position No. 526,894 soon. But there is some heavy lifting ahead. Finding somebody who would write a terrific review of the book would help immensely. Anybody know Jon Miller's phone number?

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