Monday, October 20, 2008

Another life lesson learned

A while back, I mentioned a friend of mine who is battling breast cancer. They threw a fundraiser for her yesterday. Originally, we had been told she didn't feel well enough to attend. But she did come and it was great to see her. Here was a woman who had every reason to feel sorry for herself. Yet she came with a big smile and a hug for everyone who was there.

It suddenly made things like getting downsized out of a job and seeing your favorite football team get beat seem small in comparison.

I'll get another job somewhere. The football team will win games at another time.

But seeing Mary there making jokes about her wig and throwing barbs at everyone was about the most uplifting thing I have experienced in a long time. And it was a reminder that having a glass "half-full" attitude helps more than just your disposition. It makes people around you feel better, too.

Mary has tough days ahead. I can only imagine how painful and downright chemotherapy is to endure. But days like yesterday are the ones that will pull her ... and those of us who are battling lesser problems ... through.

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