Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Feeling Snookered

Last night, John Edwards was in St. Paul to speak at a rally at a local carpenters hall. Although he was not my first choice for president, I have always liked his style. My wife was an early and enthusiastic backer of the guy.

So I went along to watch and keep her company. Although he got there late, he gave a rousing 20-minute speech that had his supporters ready to go for next week's caucuses.

12 hours later, word came down he was thinking of dropping out of the race. This afternoon, he just did that.

We've been had.

Just last night, here was Edwards extolling us to keep up the good fight and telling us what he will do when he is in the White House. Today, he admitted he had already called Mrs. Clinton and Sen. Obama and told them he was dropping out. He said he almost changed his mind when he saw the 1,000 or so folks going nuts for him and highfiving him all over the place.

I find this hard to believe.

Eventually, it comes down to one candidate from each party. And the losers do have to console their supporters. But I can't rationalize what happened here last night. Edwards got his supporters -- like my wife -- fired up for Tuesday -- and then dropped them without warning the next day. It's like finding out your dream date will go to the prom with you. You buy a new suit or get a new dress and get a nice haircut. And then you get the word they have changed their mind because the quarterback or homecoming queen said yes at the last second.

Edwards wasn't my first pick but I am bummed anyway. I was just starting to believe that some politicians -- even some I disagree with -- really do shoot straight. I respected the guy -- and that is hard to do with a lot of politicians. However, I feel worse for my wife and the 1,000 others who were there last night -- and had their feelings toyed with. My office mate Jim (who has worked in statewide political campaigns) says this is SOP and I shouldn't be upset by this.

I say that's bull. I know these type of dishonest guys are out there in the business world. But politicians are supposed to be better than that. As a glass half-full guy by nature, I hate feeling this way. I think Edwards owes everybody who came out last night to see him here a big apology. Am I alone in this view?

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