Thursday, January 3, 2008

Why do this?

All writers think they have something to say. So it is here. Although I do a lot of writing in my business (see the Villager newspaper or my latest column on , the notes here will come from areas not always covered in my professional life.

They may be about Pete, the dog who runs our household or Polar Bear, the cat who thinks he runs the household.

They may be about my wonderful wife, Lynne, who co-runs the household or myself who co-thinks he runs the household.

They may be about friends, both current and past.

They may be about relatives, both current and past.

They may be about jobs, both current and past as well as the employers.

I find I have learned from all of the above. Some of the things I learned make me laugh. Some make me cry. Some make me mad. Some make me sigh.

Such is life.

But I digress.

Welcomes are supposed to be short and to the point. So, thanks for dropping in. Some of you were invited and some of you stumbled into this for no particular reason. As long as the hits keep on coming ...

One of my New Year's Resolutions I haven't broken yet is to get this blog up and running. I am no tekkie so it may take a while to add the necessary stuff to make this a must-see spot on your computer horizon. For now, please accept this as a first effort. Hopefully, a sensible one, too.

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